videos about peer pressure

These video resources can compliment our sessions on peer pressure, friendship, bullying and more!

talking about peer pressure

Kids Helpline has partnered with Channel 10's Shake Takes. In this episode, teens Connor, Livia, Elenna and Josh get real and talk about their experiences with peer pressure.



responding to peer pressure

Kids Helpline has teamed up with Toasted TV to look at what peer pressure is, and explore ways you can respond to peer pressure.



coping with peer pressure

When a friend pressures you to do something, it can hard to know how to respond. There are ways you can be assertive when faced with peer pressure!



dealing with peer pressure

Peer pressure is something we all have to deal with. It’s okay to feel confused or struggle with peer pressure. Everybody faces it at some point in their lives - but you don't have to do it alone!



resources you may also like

Created by Kids Helpline counsellors for teachers and students

positive self-talk worksheet
Student activity sheet with examples to help them overcome negative self-talk and identify positive self-talk strategies.
positive self-talk worksheet Thumbnail
for all high school grades
Kids Helpline poster for teens
A printable poster for teenagers to encourage help-seeking through Kids Helpline.
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your guide to anxiety
A guide for teenagers on anxiety with links to videos, articles and more to provide info and support.
Your guide to anxiety Thumbnail

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